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October 2014

Iceberg, Southern Ocean, Antarctica

Russia, how long must we wait?

Iceberg, Southern Ocean, Antarctica
Iceberg, Southern Ocean, Antarctica

As I write, the dozens of delegates attending this years meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) should be sound asleep in their Hobart hotel rooms, if they’re not out tasting Tasmania’s finest wines in the the Salamanca neighbourhood.

Until the end of the month, the officials from 24 countries – plus the EU – will consider a range of issues, the most notorious of which is the long-delayed establishment of marine reserves in the Ross Sea and in the waters of East Antarctica. I can’t tell you what’s happening at the meeting so far, as CCAMLR meets behind closed doors. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition is the only non-governmental organisation representing civil society at CCAMLR – but my colleagues in the room are prohibited from reporting on proceedings until they have formally ended. We will know if the news is good or bad by the end of October.

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The Last of Our Kind

The Last of Our Kind

Beautiful and poignant reaction by my sister, Suzanne Walsh, to this weeks news of walrus beachings in the Arctic, and the deplorable global loss of our fellow animals:

“And yet not completely: the soft top of the head can still twitch with incoming images, like walrus stampedes on melting ice-floes. It’s better to be the last of your kind, when you rule the world, because your kind is burning it up, even here under the clear blue skies.”

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